Did Some Spring Cleaning...!
Your feedback is meaningful...
Many of you have been asking for a more efficient way to navigate the many options we have to enjoy in wine-country.
Until recently, adding a map that had multiple destinations on it was not possible with the web server I use...
Introducing a new and improved that includes *M A P S* on each page. So you can better plan your day in the valley and not spend it in the car!
Check out the better organized site here.
Also, new to the site are listings of our local summer concert series.
What makes it feel more like summer than listening to live music while sharing a great bottle of wine with your besties?
From Windsor to Cloverdale, there are plenty of options.
Check that list out here.
And........I've also enhanced the "Fun in the Valley" page to not only include local live music...but also kayaking! The true definition of summer to me is when I get to hop on a kayak I rent from River's Edge by Memorial Beach on the first hot weekend day of the year and paddle down the river.
I got to go last Saturday with my dad and sister and it was awesome. The record amount of rainfall this past winter created some incredible water to play on. There's so much of it, and the current is so fast, that your "all day trip" can be complete in just two, short hours.
So here's what you do:
Call in your sandwich order to one of these spots and grab your favorite bottle of rosé and/or some beers. AND WATER. (Don't forget an opener, if your bottles require one.)
(River's Edge provides coolers and ice. But since I'm local, I bring my own.)
Slather on some sunscreen and bring a couple towels.
Then...take your time!
The current was so fast, we barely had to paddle.
I wanted some exercise so we turned the boats around and paddled upstream a few times.

For more interesting things to do in the Healdsburg area, visit
And if you have a topic you want to know more about, message me here and I may feature it on an upcoming blog post...!